
DÄ BÖÖGG BRÄNNT NÖD – Gone with the wind!

What a day at Sechseläuten:

Everyone in Zurich was already looking forward to the Swiss tradition of burning the “Blögg” at Zurich’s biggest spring festival while the traditional guild riders ride around it. This act symbolically bids farewell to the evil winter, every year on the third Monday of April.

The name of the festival “Sechseläuten” is a reminder that in the 16th century, the second largest bell of the Great Minster announced the end of the summer half-year at six o’clock on the first Monday after the equinox. In the winter months, work finished at five o’clock in the evening.

This year, however, the people of Zurich had to do without it: the prevailing wind was so strong that the city council and security staff had to stop the burning due to the increased risk of flying sparks. It remains to be seen whether the winter will stay a little longer as a result.

Comforting news: The Blöög burning will be made up for! On 22.06. Heiden in the Appenzell region will take center stage. Together with the city of Zurich, the city leaders decided to hold the festival here and drive out the winter a little later.

We look forward to it!
